This is the biggest reason why so many aren't following their dreams...
What if you decided today you will try something new
What if you changed your "can't" into "I CAN"
If you really want to change, then change! The first step is scary sometimes, but that shouldn't stop you from going after what you want. Whether it's more money for you and your family, or starting a new hobby or a new exercise routine. Maybe it's just talking to someone you admire. Whatever you say you "can't do" you can do it!!
It's up to you to decide if you will let a little fear stand in your way. Step out of your comfort zone and just try!! So what if you get a "no thank you" or fail once in awhile... you may just learn that it was easier than you think... you may get a big "YES".
If you don't try... you will never know! Simple as that.
So ask yourself... am I ready for a change? Do I want to provide more for my family? Do I want to get cash bonuses, free all-expense paid trips, help others feel good about themselves?? Take family vacations or maybe even replace your current income... if you answered yes to any of these, then you need to do yourself a favor and ask me how I can help you achieve these things and more!!
Let's talk!! EMAIL ME to set up a time to talk about your dreams!!
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Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Friday, September 12, 2014
Once in a lifetime opportunity!!!!
If you haven't heard of Rodan + Fields, you will soon!! They are the DR's that created proactiv and you have the opportunity to partner with them! Research yourself!! Check out this video and after get back to me ASAP as crazy exciting, explode your business things are happening now!!!
Let me teach you how to make a minimum of $500 extra per month and join the fastest growing team in the nation!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Analyzing home-based marketing for stay at-home moms!!
Let's consider, why?
Analyzing home-based marketing for stay at-home moms make sense.
In today's tough financial environment, it has become very difficult for families to sustain themselves on one income. Many men are working two jobs just to pay the bills.
Stay at-home moms, are being forced to contribute to the family's monthly income quota.
Many mothers have to look at what kind of balance they can keep between job and family.
Should stay at-home moms get a job?
The answer is "No," with corporate downsizing, a competitive job market and still high levels of unemployment. It makes more sense to seek a permanent solution for your families income needs. Seeking employment outside the home, can create extra strain on the family as well as reducing time for husband and children.
Consider both short and long term
Looking down the road, teenage and college years of raising children are the most expensive. Retirement should not be overlooked either. Women, especially stay at-home moms, earn less than their male counterparts during their lifetime. Women also have a greater life expectancy. The average American's retirement gap today is $160,000.
So what is the answer?
In analyzing home-based marketing for stay at-home moms, let's consider some other income alternatives from home, such as creating products, freelancing or at home employment.
Creating products or crafts, have to be made to a tall standard and in quantity in order to receive a lofty price.
Freelancing requires a skill set, and you will still be under employment, which will put you at the mercy of your company's deadlines and demands.
Traditional at home employment, where you trade time for money, can put your income needs back at ground zero, when the company no longer needs your services.
Analyzing home-based marketing for stay at-home moms
The Internet has fundamentally changed how we live and do business. It aligns today's busy consumer with products, services and information at their finger tips. It is the new way of doing business and provides many benefits to the entrepreneur.
Online home based marketing advantages:
Convenience: Time and flexibility for you, 24-hour availability for your customers.
Reach: Distance is not a barrier you can do business all over the country, or world.
Cost: No inventory, rent, or property upkeep, and there are many companies that offer low cost turnkey businesses.
Personalizing & Relationships: You can specifically target your market and stay in connection with your customers through online communication to build relationships.
After analyzing home-based marketing for stay at-home moms, the question is. Will this endeavor work for me?
The answer is yes, providing you have a simple system with the tools and training you need to succeed. To do this, it is best to learn with from those who have been in the arena before.
So what are you waiting for?? Let's do this and I can personally show you how to simply duplicate what myself and my team is doing to build an amazing business for ourselves!! We have the fastest growing team in the Nation! This is FUN, exciting and provides more income each and every month!! It's like giving myself a raise every month (don't have to wait for the boss to give me one)
Email me today to learn about this once in a lifetime opportunity!!
Analyzing home-based marketing for stay at-home moms make sense.
In today's tough financial environment, it has become very difficult for families to sustain themselves on one income. Many men are working two jobs just to pay the bills.
Stay at-home moms, are being forced to contribute to the family's monthly income quota.
Many mothers have to look at what kind of balance they can keep between job and family.
Should stay at-home moms get a job?
The answer is "No," with corporate downsizing, a competitive job market and still high levels of unemployment. It makes more sense to seek a permanent solution for your families income needs. Seeking employment outside the home, can create extra strain on the family as well as reducing time for husband and children.
Consider both short and long term
Looking down the road, teenage and college years of raising children are the most expensive. Retirement should not be overlooked either. Women, especially stay at-home moms, earn less than their male counterparts during their lifetime. Women also have a greater life expectancy. The average American's retirement gap today is $160,000.
So what is the answer?
In analyzing home-based marketing for stay at-home moms, let's consider some other income alternatives from home, such as creating products, freelancing or at home employment.
Creating products or crafts, have to be made to a tall standard and in quantity in order to receive a lofty price.
Freelancing requires a skill set, and you will still be under employment, which will put you at the mercy of your company's deadlines and demands.
Traditional at home employment, where you trade time for money, can put your income needs back at ground zero, when the company no longer needs your services.
Analyzing home-based marketing for stay at-home moms
The Internet has fundamentally changed how we live and do business. It aligns today's busy consumer with products, services and information at their finger tips. It is the new way of doing business and provides many benefits to the entrepreneur.
Online home based marketing advantages:
Convenience: Time and flexibility for you, 24-hour availability for your customers.
Reach: Distance is not a barrier you can do business all over the country, or world.
Cost: No inventory, rent, or property upkeep, and there are many companies that offer low cost turnkey businesses.
Personalizing & Relationships: You can specifically target your market and stay in connection with your customers through online communication to build relationships.
After analyzing home-based marketing for stay at-home moms, the question is. Will this endeavor work for me?
The answer is yes, providing you have a simple system with the tools and training you need to succeed. To do this, it is best to learn with from those who have been in the arena before.
So what are you waiting for?? Let's do this and I can personally show you how to simply duplicate what myself and my team is doing to build an amazing business for ourselves!! We have the fastest growing team in the Nation! This is FUN, exciting and provides more income each and every month!! It's like giving myself a raise every month (don't have to wait for the boss to give me one)
Email me today to learn about this once in a lifetime opportunity!!
Network Marketing!!! NOW what???
So you've just joined a Network Marketing company, and you're jumping out of your skin to get your business started. If there's one piece of advice I can give you (as a new distributor) is that having the right expectations is critical to your success. The sad reality is that 9 out of 10 new distributors will quit in their first 90 days. This is why the Industry as a whole gets a bad wrap. I can't tell you how many times over the last 15 years I've heard a prospect say I know someone who tried one of these things and he didn't make any money.€ Now, who knows why that person really didn't make any money, right? It could be a plethora of reasons but I can't tell you how many times I've seen new distributors quit way too soon. And I believe it's because they don't have the right expectations right from the start.
So here are 3 things you need to know even before starting your home business:
#1. You're Building A Real Business - Right from the get-go, you need to get the thought out of your head that you're building some small-time, rinky-dink thing. Yes, you probably only made a minimal investment to start your business but make no mistake about, you are building a real business. Just take a look at the size of the Industry and how many hundreds of millions of dollars a year it generates, and you can see that the home business Industry is no joke. Then take a look at some of the top earners Industry-wide, and you'll see that the 7-figure monthly incomes are dead serious. With that said, I'm certainly not guaranteeing that you will see the same success because I have no clue how what kind of work ethic you have or how disciplined you are. But the potential is there, and if you want to see success, you need to treat your business seriously. That means learning your company's system and doing the necessary work to move through the ranks. The questions you have to ask yourself... Why would you play around with something that can potentially pay you double or triple what you make at your job? And you can do it from home so you can be with your family instead of away from them?
#2. It Takes Time To Build A Business - Imagine this: You walk into a gym and tell the trainer that you want to lose 50 pounds and get in amazing shape in 30 days. What would the trainer tell you? Or imagine this: You walk into a college class and tell the administrator that you want a degree after 30 days? Sounds ridiculous, right? But 9 out of 10 distributors start their business with that very mindset. They're excited when they join, but if they're not making $10,000 a month in their first 30 days or so, they think it doesn't work and they quit. If you simply understand from the start that it will take time to build your business, you'll be so far ahead of most distributors. To build a solid base for your business, you should be prepared to invest at least 12-36 months of consistent effort.
#3. You're Real Product Is YOU - At the end of the day, people don't join a company or product. They join YOU. They join someone they like and trust. So work on personal development. Of course, I'm not saying you shouldn't learn your company's products, or talk to people about your products. But trust me, they are looking at YOU more than they are looking at the products. Be the person that they would want to follow, and work on self-improvement every day so you can offer value to the marketplace and to your prospects.
So there you have to. If you can accept those 3 things, you'll have the right mindset to see success.
If you are looking for an amazing opportunity to get started, then you should looking into one in particular!!
Here's the Harvard School of Business Study!
Harvard Business School name Rodan + Fields, Once in a Lifetime Opportunity
Written By: admin - Jan• 23•13
A high percentage of work from home opportunities are in network marketing. Most home based businesses fail for a variety of reasons, none more critical than getting in at the wrong time in the company’s life cycle. I’ve done a lot of research into network marketing and wanted to share my findings with you. Here are some important things to know before you venture into this type of home business.
Network Marketing or Multi Level Marketing (MLM) is being taught at more than 200 colleges including Harvard Business School. After extensive research into the network marketing industry, Harvard Business School developed 3 criteria that a network marketing company must have in order to make it a desirable opportunity. They are:
1. The company must be at least 18 months old. 90% of all network marketing companies that fail do so in the first 18 months of operations. Lack of adequate financing and inexperienced senior management are two of the more common pitfalls of start up companies so be sure to find out what you can about the MLM’s funding and management.
2. The company must have a product that is both unique and highly consumable. Meaning it must be an exclusive product that can be purchased only from your distributors with repeated sales thereby guaranteeing customer loyalty versus a one-time sale and having to locate new customers.
3. It needs to be a "ground floor" opportunity. Harvard Business School suggests that in order for the opportunity to qualify as a ground floor type, the number of existing distributorships should be less than ½ of 1% in the country where this network company exists. In the U.S., this figure is equal to 1.5 million people. Harvard Business School also stated that if there were less than 500,000 people involved, you would be on the cutting edge of a great opportunity. If the company has less than 100,000 distributors, Harvard Business School considers it to be a once in a lifetime opportunity. (2013 R+D is at approximately 20,000 commissionable distributors)
The Harvard Business School study also stated that there are 4 distinct stages of growth in a network marketing company – Foundation, Concentration, Momentum, and Stability. The Momentum Phase is when the company experiences phenomenal growth. Both retail and distributorships explode in terms of expanding growth. It is during this period that the company virtually sweeps the nation. When a company’s sales reach about 50 million annually (4.2 million a month), they reach what is called "critical mass" (sales go vertical right off the graph). Also, approximately 2/3 of the company’s growth of new distributorships occur during this period of time.Let’s assume you have an organization which is producing an override bonus check to you of $1,000 per month. When the company reached critical mass, distributors almost automatically experience a ten-fold increase in their earnings. In other words, $1,000 per month becomes $10,000 per month. This is the reason for getting involved on the ground floor, so you will experience the benefits of explosive growth.
More Information:
So here are 3 things you need to know even before starting your home business:
#1. You're Building A Real Business - Right from the get-go, you need to get the thought out of your head that you're building some small-time, rinky-dink thing. Yes, you probably only made a minimal investment to start your business but make no mistake about, you are building a real business. Just take a look at the size of the Industry and how many hundreds of millions of dollars a year it generates, and you can see that the home business Industry is no joke. Then take a look at some of the top earners Industry-wide, and you'll see that the 7-figure monthly incomes are dead serious. With that said, I'm certainly not guaranteeing that you will see the same success because I have no clue how what kind of work ethic you have or how disciplined you are. But the potential is there, and if you want to see success, you need to treat your business seriously. That means learning your company's system and doing the necessary work to move through the ranks. The questions you have to ask yourself... Why would you play around with something that can potentially pay you double or triple what you make at your job? And you can do it from home so you can be with your family instead of away from them?
#2. It Takes Time To Build A Business - Imagine this: You walk into a gym and tell the trainer that you want to lose 50 pounds and get in amazing shape in 30 days. What would the trainer tell you? Or imagine this: You walk into a college class and tell the administrator that you want a degree after 30 days? Sounds ridiculous, right? But 9 out of 10 distributors start their business with that very mindset. They're excited when they join, but if they're not making $10,000 a month in their first 30 days or so, they think it doesn't work and they quit. If you simply understand from the start that it will take time to build your business, you'll be so far ahead of most distributors. To build a solid base for your business, you should be prepared to invest at least 12-36 months of consistent effort.
#3. You're Real Product Is YOU - At the end of the day, people don't join a company or product. They join YOU. They join someone they like and trust. So work on personal development. Of course, I'm not saying you shouldn't learn your company's products, or talk to people about your products. But trust me, they are looking at YOU more than they are looking at the products. Be the person that they would want to follow, and work on self-improvement every day so you can offer value to the marketplace and to your prospects.
So there you have to. If you can accept those 3 things, you'll have the right mindset to see success.
If you are looking for an amazing opportunity to get started, then you should looking into one in particular!!
Here's the Harvard School of Business Study!
Harvard Business School name Rodan + Fields, Once in a Lifetime Opportunity
Written By: admin - Jan• 23•13
A high percentage of work from home opportunities are in network marketing. Most home based businesses fail for a variety of reasons, none more critical than getting in at the wrong time in the company’s life cycle. I’ve done a lot of research into network marketing and wanted to share my findings with you. Here are some important things to know before you venture into this type of home business.
Network Marketing or Multi Level Marketing (MLM) is being taught at more than 200 colleges including Harvard Business School. After extensive research into the network marketing industry, Harvard Business School developed 3 criteria that a network marketing company must have in order to make it a desirable opportunity. They are:
1. The company must be at least 18 months old. 90% of all network marketing companies that fail do so in the first 18 months of operations. Lack of adequate financing and inexperienced senior management are two of the more common pitfalls of start up companies so be sure to find out what you can about the MLM’s funding and management.
2. The company must have a product that is both unique and highly consumable. Meaning it must be an exclusive product that can be purchased only from your distributors with repeated sales thereby guaranteeing customer loyalty versus a one-time sale and having to locate new customers.
3. It needs to be a "ground floor" opportunity. Harvard Business School suggests that in order for the opportunity to qualify as a ground floor type, the number of existing distributorships should be less than ½ of 1% in the country where this network company exists. In the U.S., this figure is equal to 1.5 million people. Harvard Business School also stated that if there were less than 500,000 people involved, you would be on the cutting edge of a great opportunity. If the company has less than 100,000 distributors, Harvard Business School considers it to be a once in a lifetime opportunity. (2013 R+D is at approximately 20,000 commissionable distributors)
The Harvard Business School study also stated that there are 4 distinct stages of growth in a network marketing company – Foundation, Concentration, Momentum, and Stability. The Momentum Phase is when the company experiences phenomenal growth. Both retail and distributorships explode in terms of expanding growth. It is during this period that the company virtually sweeps the nation. When a company’s sales reach about 50 million annually (4.2 million a month), they reach what is called "critical mass" (sales go vertical right off the graph). Also, approximately 2/3 of the company’s growth of new distributorships occur during this period of time.Let’s assume you have an organization which is producing an override bonus check to you of $1,000 per month. When the company reached critical mass, distributors almost automatically experience a ten-fold increase in their earnings. In other words, $1,000 per month becomes $10,000 per month. This is the reason for getting involved on the ground floor, so you will experience the benefits of explosive growth.
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